Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CameraPhone Love: part 3 (for btown.)

I met btown. on a drizzly, grey early evening in Edinborough. I walked in the rain under dim street lamps lonely, lost, and wide open. So was btown. Our bus left us at a coffee stop. We're still here.

btown. loves wires. And skylines. I took this photo awhile ago on my phone while driving through the Fillmore, thinking about how much she loves wires and sky. A month later- rainy, grey, endless morning- I was looking at puddles on the sidewalk, and feeling each of my 30 years as if a burden. I dropped her a text, that I'd like to share with this photo:

Beneath my two feet
The sidewalk's crack- thin- stretches
All the way to you.

(thank you.)

1 comment:

  1. simply the bomb, I love everything about this photo.
