Sunday, January 10, 2010

Places and Things...and a few thoughts.

I forgot how film only allows for you to have the experience of 'shooting'. It forces you to use your eyes, frame the shot, expose, and keep walking with no connection to the final product, except in your imagination. It forces you to be more about your process in a way that I am finding really refreshing. So, getting more practice walking around town with the Leica M6 and 35mm 'cron. It is a different kind of approach I find: fixed lens, film, and all manual settings. I am noticing that my subject matter is evolving with this camera. I am discriminating more than when I can shoot, look down at the screen, frown, erase, and try again. But, when the exposure is just right, I love the final product. So far I have shot all in black and white, I would love to see some color on the leica. Maybe next roll. Any ways, the last couple rolls were really productive and I am happy to find my flow with this beautiful tool.


  1. wow, joey, you're right, you're really finding your flow with this camera- every single one of these shots is exquisite. i like the fine detailing, and the.. i don't know, the "quality" of the black and white? it's a different kind of b&w than you get from digitals, it looks more like a real photo somehow. to be honest it makes my heart hurt to look at these photos. might need to get me one of these... after that 16-35, i guess.

  2. btw j, where're you getting your film developed?

  3. developed at Photolab on 5th street and bancroft i think is the cross street. Thanks b, you should load up your camera with some tri-x black and white!
