Thursday, October 28, 2010

photoshop project 1

wow. Okay, slowly but surely we are getting to some interesting things in photoshop class. The graphic design stuff is coming slowly, but I am now starting to learn collage using gradients, filters, and opacity/luminance. Sounds more complicated than it is. But this is what I really want to do first with photoshop; collage images together like multiple exposures to tell a story...or more like convey a is a feeling in this image that I went for...I will also post an alternate version soon with a fourth image in it. for this one, I had like 5/6 images working together..but I ended up liking the three here. This will be the one I hand in. Pretty exciting new world/tool. let me know what you think!


  1. yeah, wow, j... it's really quite an honor to see your work evolving, both on the tfp blog and in knowing you. photoshop is going to be quite a tool for you as an artist, i think. powerful stuff you can do.
    i'm getting to these posts late... which one did you end up turning in? like them both.

  2. thanks, I turned in the one with the two gazers...I thought it had a little more depth...I am working on a new one that has an image of you in it..stay tuned!

  3. and thanks for the comments, I had forgotten how nice it is to get feedback.
