It was a chilly, overcast morning whose highlights included (1) Jenny slamming her thumb in my car's trunk door before the shoot even started, and then carrying on by wrapping her bloody thumb in a tourniquet made of a napkin and a hair tie, (2) Julian, The Male Model, changing outfits and standing around in his underwear right out on the walkway in front of innocent passersby who just wanted to look at flowers on a Sunday morning, (3) Melissa, The Female Model, who just fucking carried herself and looked like a professional model despite the fact that she is a currently-unemployed financial analyst in Real Life, (4) a photo that I snapped of Melissa's terrorized expression as I nearly toppled off of a tree branch while taking a photo of her, and (5) coffee. And laughing our asses off. And being treated to a breakfast, including bacon, afterward.

Behind the scenes:

wow, these are great! so glad to hear you had this awesome opportunity. the images are great, great perspective and energy in all of them. great to see you work up here!