Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear fellows,

Happy birthday to both of you. Thank you for your friendships and your minds. Thank you for making my life (and Friday mornings in particular) sweeter, fuller and more caffeinated.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. really sweet Bon, thanks alot!

  3. Thank you, bon. And thank you, prince. I am loving our good vibes.

  4. The possession of a camera can inspire something akin to lust. And like all credible forms of lust, it cannot be satisfied:first, where the possibilities of photography are infinite; and second, because the project is finally self-devouring. -Susan Sontag
    Devour it instead. Devour cake. and foam from lattes.
    March into your month like a pride of lions. Do what you do- freely capture every moment.
