Thursday, October 28, 2010

version 2....hmmm

yeah, I can't I think I'm leaning toward this one with the two gazers...(same guy, different shots..)

photoshop project 1

wow. Okay, slowly but surely we are getting to some interesting things in photoshop class. The graphic design stuff is coming slowly, but I am now starting to learn collage using gradients, filters, and opacity/luminance. Sounds more complicated than it is. But this is what I really want to do first with photoshop; collage images together like multiple exposures to tell a story...or more like convey a is a feeling in this image that I went for...I will also post an alternate version soon with a fourth image in it. for this one, I had like 5/6 images working together..but I ended up liking the three here. This will be the one I hand in. Pretty exciting new world/tool. let me know what you think!

two new diptychs: 'artist at work' and DaKiddaob'

These are two new diptychs from the field trip on saturday...
one is a long exposure of a graffiti artist touching up a piece. the others are two photos that I think work well together of the ever-ready Xavier Polk aka DaKiddaob...

Monday, October 18, 2010

artist interview with Remedy cafe...

hey all, here is a quick interview with Remedy Cafe in Oakland about the piece I did for them...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

retrofit (sneak preview).

I did a fashion shoot for my friends Jenny and Julia a few weekends ago... J&J have started a sustainable vintage clothing store called Retrofit Republic, and they wanted photos for their "look book" and website. It was an awesome, ridiculous, slap-dash photo shoot at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park- me the photographer, Jenny the artistic director, and two of Jenny & Julia's friends whom they'd recruited to model their outfits, 12 outfits in all.

It was a chilly, overcast morning whose highlights included (1) Jenny slamming her thumb in my car's trunk door before the shoot even started, and then carrying on by wrapping her bloody thumb in a tourniquet made of a napkin and a hair tie, (2) Julian, The Male Model, changing outfits and standing around in his underwear right out on the walkway in front of innocent passersby who just wanted to look at flowers on a Sunday morning, (3) Melissa, The Female Model, who just fucking carried herself and looked like a professional model despite the fact that she is a currently-unemployed financial analyst in Real Life, (4) a photo that I snapped of Melissa's terrorized expression as I nearly toppled off of a tree branch while taking a photo of her, and (5) coffee. And laughing our asses off. And being treated to a breakfast, including bacon, afterward.

Behind the scenes:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010