Thursday, October 28, 2010

two new diptychs: 'artist at work' and DaKiddaob'

These are two new diptychs from the field trip on saturday...
one is a long exposure of a graffiti artist touching up a piece. the others are two photos that I think work well together of the ever-ready Xavier Polk aka DaKiddaob...


  1. YEAH!!!! the ones of the graffiti long exposure are SICK! i vote for those to go up in your solo Remedy show, fo sho. they're super urban but strangely delicate and beautiful, too.
    are these all shot w/ your digital leica?

  2. hey, thanks bon. I was thinking the same thing about the graf ones...
    i can't decide whether I want to do them as a diptych on one page or just use one of them. I think the bottom one is stronger...

  3. oh, and these were shot with the rebel..

  4. you know, i think i like the diptych. there's something neat about seeing the same subject shot from two such different perspectives. it's like getting to see a portrait series of one person... different facets of the same subject are so effing fascinating.
