Thursday, April 1, 2010


I love the photo collage. I don't have anything complex to say about it, I just love combining images, especially images of people and people-made things of the city...and images that bring together a certain mood or feeling...and especially when the other images somehow reflect the person in the collage in some way.


  1. I nominate number one. great work joye.

  2. For some reason my comment did post from yesterday, but I have to go with two, for actually the same reason btown mentioned. Although I hear from around the way that Tara has mad style, so I won't underestimate her vote.

  3. Beautiful addition. They both look absolutely fabulous. Well done, I like the look you're going for with both your shots and production. Super.

  4. thanks people, I appreciate the feedback and constructiveness.
    I would like to see these two blown up large and printed on canvas and stretched....might be worth a little cash.

  5. Well Joe, now that you mention it...

    I got the curator for Local Twelve Three's contact info to inquire about a show...

  6. good. we could rock that shit
