Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The initiation of this blog has inspired some reflection in me. I began to rummage through some old works- images, journals, essays, identities. I found these photos from a trip to Scotland in 2004; I wanted to share. Returning from this trip, I made some profound shifts in my life. It was kind of an interesting turning point for me, and I think going to this landscape where 'I'm from' and yet have never been, and returning to where I've been, but never know myself to belong, kind of revolved a bit around my time in scotland. Going back and looking at what I was looking at then and how I was looking at things has been cool to experience. It's interesting to see something again after some time. It actually feels like looking at something completely new; which I suppose it is.


  1. that last image, especially- my heart feels like it hurts just to look at it.
    scotland in the rain.

  2. Very nice. It seems you are experimenting with how you adjust the photo, they all have a different feel to them, some warm, some cool. I would also like to see some of them as they were in camera. Beautiful images. last two my favorite, there is something classic about them and evoke a strong emotion like b said.

  3. Thanks for the righteous feedback. Yeah, post-editing is weird. I actually de-saturated most of these to mellow them out- the colors their were vibrant and contrasty. Beautiful place...
