Sunday, November 29, 2009


While I was in NY, I worked out of the Brooklyn office for a day, taking the subway out from Manhattan and arriving so early that I walked around for a while taking photos in the rain. The office is in a restored brick urban warehouse in the neighborhood called DUMBO, short for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. The "overpass" part seems redundant, but without it the neighborhood would just be called DUMB... and aside from being embarrassing, it's also just way too beautiful for that.


  1. Nice mini photo essay. I love the combo of grey grit and saturated, rainy day colors. Perfect portrayal of the neighborhood itself. Nice work, photojournalist.

    ps. I heart the white backpack.

  2. I feel like I can smell these bon
    wet concrete...
    the wide angle is looking great.

  3. it is so cool that there is a wax poetics sticker on the yes/no one.
    i love that magazine from brooklyn.

  4. the NO is actually part of an old NO PARKING sign and someone had written YES in front of it. pretty neat.
