Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ashby Flea Market

This is sort of an experiment in color treatment and in content. I took these several months ago and just worked on them in LightRoom the other night. Not sure what I think about them or if I would change them, but I like the way they came out. Also it is notable that I was using a very wide angle lens at the time...It was bright as hell out that day so everything came out a little harsh and my shadow pops up a bunch in the frame. It was an interesting experience, I attracted too much attention with a big ass camera, some positive and some negative. I felt really unsteady about taking photos of strangers, worried they would not understand my intent. It brought up a lot of conflictual emotions, but I am glad for the experience overall.


  1. The wide-angle is beautiful. I'm also digging the high contrast, low saturation effect of the time of day, etc. Very cool. It's a little like going to the Ashby Flea Market on Neptune.

  2. yeah, the effect is beautiful, i think it's a good call for photos taken on a sunny ass day.

    sunglasses- your own reflection in the mirror, wearing sunglasses... masterful.

    the kids and your shadow- i can't even be articulate about why this is such a great photo. the wide-angle, the overhead shot with the shadow of your own upraised arm, the random shadows and legs in/out of the frame, how tiny the two kids are... i think it portrays the whole feel of the ashby flea market perfectly.

    i gotta say that the shot of the woman looking at the hats is my favorite. her height and the flow of her skirt are so epic.

  3. I think you got the tone spot on, looks dusty as hell. The second guy down is a great pic.

    I completely agree on taking photos of strangers tho'... I always duck out of good shots at the last second. I guess thats why I have so many shadows and snatched portraits, maybe it works, who knows. I'd like to see more of your stuff.
